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Engaging the Audience in Magic: Jono's Thoughts

Jono Blythe

Magic is a unique and captivating form of entertainment that has the ability to evoke strong emotions and reactions from an audience. One of the most critical components of a successful magic performance is audience engagement. It is the connection between the performer and the audience that creates a sense of wonder, amazement, and surprise that elevates the performance to another level.

Eye contact is an essential aspect of audience engagement and is emphasised by Juan Tamariz in his book "Five Points of Magic." Tamariz states that the eyes are the most important tool in creating emotional connections with the audience. When a magician looks at all the spectators and lets their gaze sweep like a fan over their heads, it helps establish a connection with each individual in the audience.

Tamariz also stresses the importance of considering all members of the audience, not just those sitting in the front row. He reminds magicians not to forget about the spectators sitting on the sides and to engage with them just as much as anyone else in the audience. By doing this, the magician creates a sense of inclusiveness and a feeling of connection with each and every person in the audience.

Furthermore, Tamariz explains the concept of imaginary threads connecting the magician to every member of the audience. He suggests imagining these threads as a way of creating a connection with the audience and making them feel involved in the performance. When the audience feels connected to the magician in this way, it helps to build suspense and creates an even more powerful impact when the magic is revealed.

However, eye contact is just one aspect of engaging with the audience. A successful magic performance requires a holistic approach that considers all aspects of the audience's experience. For example, the magician's body language, tone of voice, and even the pace of the performance all play a crucial role in engaging with the audience.

The tone of voice used by the magician is an important aspect of the performance. It should be friendly, confident, and engaging. The magician's tone of voice helps to create a sense of trust and builds a connection with the audience. A friendly and confident tone of voice can also help to create a relaxed atmosphere, making the audience more open to the magic being performed.

The magician's body language also plays a crucial role in engaging with the audience. It should be open, confident, and welcoming. When the magician's body language is closed off or unapproachable, it can create a barrier between the performer and the audience, making it more difficult to connect with them. On the other hand, an open and inviting body language helps to create a sense of trust and connection with the audience, making the performance more impactful.

The pace of the performance is also an important aspect of audience engagement. The magician should take their time with each effect, allowing the audience to fully absorb and appreciate what is happening. A slow pace helps to create suspense and anticipation, making the magic more impactful when it is revealed. However, the pace should also be varied, with moments of fast-paced action that create excitement and moments of slow, deliberate actions that create suspense.

Now, let's talk about magicians who might not seem to be as technically skilled as others, yet still manage to captivate and engage their audience. An example of such a magician is the late Tommy Cooper, who was known for his comedic approach to magic and his imperfections, which often added to the humour of his performances. Despite not being the most technically skilled magician, Tommy Cooper was able to keep his audience engaged by making them laugh and having fun on stage.

Another example of a magician who is able to engage their audience without relying on technical skill is the so-called "silent magician." These performers use mime and physical movement to tell a story and create magic without the use of words. They rely on body language and facial expressions to convey emotions and engage with their audience. These types of magicians are able to keep their audience engaged by creating a visual spectacle that is both captivating and entertaining.

In conclusion, engaging with the audience is a crucial part of a successful magic performance, regardless of the magician's technical skill level. Whether through eye contact, tone of voice, body language, pace, humour, or mime, the connection between the performer and the audience is what elevates the magic to another level. By considering all aspects of the audience's experience and creating a sense of connection, the magic becomes more impactful and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

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